Saturday, January 21, 2012

wolfy and the bat cubs...

Fitzroy. Where the guy hops out of the cab, lights a ciggy and checks his hair while his girlfriend pays. I had a bit of time to walk around while waiting for the doors to open. Had a coffee. Had another walk while still waiting for the doors to open. I'm not a nerd. The first band was supposed to start at 9.

Anyway, LuWOW is a bar in Fitzroy that's very... teak. It's awesome - my old boss in NZ would have a heart attack if he saw this place.

First band (The Sheriffs) were first up. The music was good - but I wasn't feeling it, photographically speaking. so. no. photos. for you.

Next up we had a three piece punk outfit, called The Spazzys, all ladies playing some nice punk, I don't really like punk, but their guitars were in tune so they basically ruled for about 40 minutes - worth a look or listen fersure.

Wolfy and the Bat Cubs were releasing their debut EP. They were kinda, um, indie-space-psycho-retro-grind music? I just made that up. They were good! I liked 'em.


Shot for the AU Review - see the set here.

See the whole selection here (when I get back from holiday and put them on flickr)

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Wolfy and the Bat Cubs (c) Michael Christian 2012

The Spazzys (c) Michael Christian 2012

The Spazzys (c) Michael Christian 2012

Wolfy and the Bat Cubs (c) Michael Christian 2012

Wolfy and the Bat Cubs (c) Michael Christian 2012

Wolfy and the Bat Cubs (c) Michael Christian 2012

Some music for you!

  Forgive Me by wolfyandthebatcubs

  Spazzys - I Wanna Cut My Hair Like Marky Ramone by hollyfotografias

  THE SHERIFFS - Sundance Romance - 01 Your Horse Is Dead by The Sheriffs

UPDATE! video from the gig just came available:

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